For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” (2 Thessalonians 3:10 NIV)
Motivating Monday!
Happy Labor Day! Nice the economy is regaining stability. Unemployment has reached lowest levels in years and lowest for blacks and hispanics. Where people are blinded to factor this important is beyond me. Even Paul had this rule for his ministry in the New Testament. Paul felt most important to set an example, modeling a strong work ethic, not wanting to be a burden to any one. Who are burdened today by people who will not work- tax payers. It was never God’s intent to involve government in taking care of the poor, orphaned or widows- this responsibility belongs to the Church.
How ever to turn this problem around? One is having a strong economy and jobs available to work. Education is key increasing ability to work and reaching higher levels. The Church has to be financially stable in order take on this task- and this results from proper tithing. Tithing is God’s principle, non-negotiable. He challenges each of us- by testing Him- try and see what happens. He’s a friend who we’ll never be able to out give the other. I hope you have a friend like this…I do cherish mine. And God is the absolute best.
Taking less taxes, would allow more for the church, if…a person’s walk with Christ reached this level of understanding. Why are government issues messy- no different than many of our lives; we find ourselves involved in situations- not necessarily where we are suppose to be, missing the opportunity of doing The Father’s business- what God calls us to do. Following God’s plan, lays a straight path- though can involve twists and curves- most likely will. A strong economy sets foundation for enterprise to flow, allowing each of us finances to pursue higher calling. One day, I’ll be ministering with friends God has connected me with in Africa. With God, all things are possible. I stand amazed.
Let’s be motivated! The more we lean in to hear God’s direction during personal worship and prayer, stronger we become, stronger our churches will be, even strengthening our government. “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” On this note, we can find success in God’s Word- His principles apply to every life situation. If Paul had this rule, setting the example, we can attest true for today.
Be encouraged!
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