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Natural Instincts Vs. Holy Faith…Last days

Natural Instincts Vs. Holy Faith...Last daysBut, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit. But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. (Jude 17-20 NIV)

Motivating Monday! 

Jude is a quick read, with a powerful reality punch. Today is Monday- and we want to be motivated! Fall is beautiful, experience a reprieve from hot weather. I’ve always loved fall; memories of hayrides and roasting hotdogs with my church youth group. What is your favorite fall activity? Mine has become hot coco on a chilly morning, watching my daughter play soccer. Then my mind switches to people being deceived- always carrying this weight of the world. Scripture states those who divide are ungodly, follow natural instincts and do not have God’s Spirit.


There is much to learn from Jude. A scoffer is defined as someone who jeers or mocks or treats something with contempt or calls out in derision(contemptuous ridicule or mockery.) These words come straight from Jude who is reciting exactly from the apostles’ teachings. Men who divide- much has been tossed around who is dividing our country. A President who has over 250 achievements in less than 2 years presidency is not a divider. God is with him. The media wants to make it about him- natural instincts. Take the music industry- several understanding the Music Modernization Act is a big win for them, many shunned any mention.

Natural Instincts

Mocking is to be taken serious and I do hope our President stops any resemblance. There are dangerous dividers immersed in our society, ungodly, following their own natural instincts. Natural instincts/self ideologies…all world minded. We live in this world, set apart for God’s greater purpose. We have to decide- are we dedicated to God, desiring His purpose for our lives or rejecting God’s Word and living world standards? How are we starting our week? For me, I started last night desiring to remove distractions preventing living my best- fulfilling God’s purpose. Oh, how the devil plays dirty. More on this Wednesday!

Love vs. Hate

Haters will hate, we who wish to function in God’s love needs more than offered in most churches. We need to build ourselves up in most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. I spent 30+ plus years determined this was not a gift for me. Until one day, my spiritual mentor sat me down. I’ve been grateful since…communicating with God through speaking in tongues, is a private talk with Jesus. Yes, can be interpreted if message is meant for others. I’m discussing a private prayer language needed for each day, not natural instincts; empowering to walk in God’s love and being careful to avoid deception.

Be encouraged!

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