Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall. But you, O God, will bring down the wicked into the pit of corruption; bloodthirsty and deceitful men will not live out half their days. But as for me, I trust in you. (Psalm 55: 22, 23 NIV)
Forward Friday!
Moving forward takes clear understanding of situation at hand. The world’s motto is desperate times, desperate measures. God’s motto is come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. God promises to meet our every need. We are to take refuge in Him. He says vengeance is His- He will take care of every enemy we have. If we believe all things true about God, then why do Christians attack other Christians? They simply slip into the world’s mindset feeling desperate, taking desperate measure; taking upon themselves, not trusting God.
From world evil’s down to hearts that have turned evil- even if one justifies their desperate measure. Take attacks happening in our own country. A full term baby about to take their first breath of air, can be murdered in New York, now Vermont is trying to pass same measure. This stand off between Republicans and Democrats, leaves the Democrats looking weak, unwilling to work with President Trump. The longer they stay opposed, the more advantage our President has. This is exactly how our God works…as we seek Him, He will always keep His children who are trusting in Him, a step ahead.
History can be studied to keep from making same mistakes. Please study situation in Venezuela, once one of the most prosperous countries in South America. Socialism moved in, Dictatorship began, and strength of the country turned weak. I’ve blogged on this early on. And…over the years, half of America has been deceived dismissing fact this can happen in America. Watch out for countries who support Venezuela’s Socialist Dictatorship: Russia, China, Iran, Syria, and Turkey. Tie these countries to political figures aka HRC in USA, who are trying to force their proved interactions with these countries, attempting to frame President Trump…classic deception.
The opposition of the President, aligns with false propaganda. We did not elect President Trump to be a Spiritual leader, we elected him- free of loyalty towards lobbyist, willing to stand strong for what is right, Biblically correct. His past is his business. What we can do beside judge, scripture teaches we can inspect the fruit produced by a person. President Trump has used his own money, donates his salary, and owes no man any political favor, economy regained stability, record breaking stock market prices, factories are returning to United States, record low unemployment rates, a 48 year low (3.7 % from 10% in 2010)- He is for America, standing firm for our constitution. This is a beautiful fragrance to all who are willing to look at facts. These are facts.
Biblical Information relates to political situations. How a country’s leadership governs determine if constitution is being held as law of the land. We have our Constitution to be thankful for, founding fathers foresight into a check and balance system. When it comes down to individuals who become desperate and hurt the very people who went above and beyond trying to help…God have mercy. Thankful for God’s Sovereignty. Read through Psalms, David reminds us often of God’s protection. May He have mercy upon America, and all people who need to be awakened from slumber or have been deceived.
Be encouraged!
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