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Shrink Back? Hope/God Vs. Doubt/Devil

Shrink Back? Hope/God Vs. Doubt/DevilBut we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved. Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. (Hebrews 10:39-11:1 NIV)

Forward Friday!

Moving forward, we no longer shrink back, yet, move forward in truth and deeds. Faith is to Spiritual journey as cherries are to… And seems often my thoughts reflect how Jesus discussed faith of little children. They believe without any hesitation. Do they even know how to doubt? I don’t think we’re taught to doubt, yet, can be persuaded to doubt. Ask any person battling self-confidence, someone has made them doubt. I firmly stand against teachings that doubt is good, banners of doubt being waved as good. When words from teachers/preachers or even individuals in Bible studies hit our souls with red alert, we cannot shrink back and let false teachings deceive people.


James 1:6-8 informs he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does. I’ve been praying about this and even more revealed. Doubt is to the Devil, as Hope is to God. The opposite of hope is doubt. Doubt is a prelude to fear. Every church who has lost its saltiness, justifying sin, defining acceptance as love…all had an electrifying personality present information, rocking solid foundations. The devil knows a person has to doubt, before every accepting false teachings.


The devil tried to tempt Jesus after his 40 day fast and Jesus’ ministry about to begin. He was trying to rock Jesus off His solid foundation in order to gain power for himself. However, Jesus responded with God’s Word and removed the devil. I believe groups of people in these churches tried, yet were criticized for standing firm on God’s Word. The Bible has not been politically correct for 20+ years.


Hope is the banner needing waved. Societal confusion increases with more attacks on Christians, and more people shrinking back. We stand firm on God’s Word. Consider the 12 Israelite spies sent to evaluate the promise land. They were so close to reaching God’s promise for them. Yet, 10 men doubted. Not only did they doubt, they spread doubt- waving the banner of doubt, engulfed the entire camp. God was not happy. The 10 tried to change their minds and say they would go. It was too late, and they were sent back to the wilderness, where they died. What caused them to backtrack and unable to receive God’s promises? Doubt. The two who believed from the beginning, not shrinking back- Joshua and Caleb, were promoted and entered the promise land.

Moving Forward!

Who do we want to be more like- Joshua and Caleb or the 10? There is a reason why we are to learn from elders- their wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. We need to respect their church positions, and not be rocked by a turbulent messages, waving a banner of doubt. Scripture warns…be alert, the devil is constantly roaming to see who he can devour. Friends, let’s move forward!

Be encouraged!


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