We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eye witnesses of his majesty. (2 Peter 1:16 NIV)
Forward Friday!
Today my youngest child turns 16! As packed as today will become celebrating- I can assure we were eye witnesses of God’s majesty during my pregnancy with her. Dating back to November 2002, my lowest spinal disc blew- I was 32 years old. We had a 5 year old and an eight and half month old, and life was about to become very interesting.
I love all Scripture, yet, today’s is extra special. Peter is very clear acknowledging no cleverly invented stories were followed. All disciples were eye witnesses; they walked with Jesus and knew him on a personal level. Those who were enemies, never allowed themselves to know Jesus, unwilling to understand who He was and how He aligned to Biblical prophecy. Much like today-news medias are no longer trusted, and along with social media, they are filled with cleverly invented stories. All contributing to societal confusion.
Word Knowledge
I’ll never write any personal stories, that I have not personally seen God’s majesty teach me lessons and grow- moving forward. Problems are faced daily- how we handle determines who we trust- God or self? Scripture or the world? God’s way or man’s way? Truth vs. Lies, Faith vs. Fear, Good vs. bad. There will always be a positive and negative,which stems from God vs. Devil. Spiritual warfare happens when thoughts are given to defeat- warring with Faith stored in hearts, God’s Word secured…constantly a battle. First, we have to consciously determine who we serve…consider how much Word knowledge has been stored. If not much, time to set goals for learning Scripture. If an abundance, pull and use, applying God’s Word to every circumstance. It’s sharper than a double-edged sword- The Word is Truth, and Truth can be felt penetrating into one’s soul.
Eye Witness
Once my first disc blew, a week later I had surgery, declining any chance of pregnancy. Two weeks later, I broke into hives and my doctor ordered all Ibuprofen to be stopped. A key removal we soon learned. Four weeks later, feel like a sinus infection possibly could be reason for stir within. After visiting our family doctor, it was like The Holy Spirit shouted in my spirit- TAKE A PREGNANCY TEST. We were obedient, while recovering from back surgery, wearing a protected body shield/brace…I learned I was six weeks pregnant. She was with me during surgery, and God protected her. Having a spinal fusion could have easily stopped David and I with two children, not taking any chance on my spine. God in His infinite mercy and compassion, full of grace…has amazing plans for my daughter- as I believe for every child. She is named Victoria- not because I am Vicki- because she is Victorious.
God is so good! He is faithful. We can trust the disciples and all Scripture as all has been God-breathed. Though we felt like we were in a whirlwind then and years followed, I would never want them to be different. God’s faithfulness is relevant to what problems are being faced today. Why stay unhealthy, in bondage, or gripped by sin? Let’s move forward, taking God’s Word and be eye witnesses- the story God is writing through you.
Be encouraged!
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