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Truth: World Vs. Believers…Difference Noted

“If you love me(Jesus), you will keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you. (John 14:15-17 ESV)

Forward Friday!

There is good and there is evil make no mistake. We have to discern and know the difference. Here is the realization we face- only those with serous relationships with Jesus will grasp the knowledge necessary to seek Jesus and find information from Scripture to learn and apply. All others are considered the world and will not be able to conceive. This is not to be cruel- it is Biblical facts.


Fear, a tool Satan uses, immoblizes and makes moving forward impossible. James informs doubt, a precursor to fear, is like being tossed in the waves. There are many prayer requests on social media right now- seems more than ever. Information is coming forth more how much China is a real enemy of America and has been since 1986. Thankful we have a President now standing against all enemies and working for Americans first. With societal confusion- the devil only intends to circulate fear, hoping to blanket individuals causing them ineffective.


Therefore, loving Jesus, keeping His commands, and receiving The Holy Spirit will lead us into all Truth. Jesus is our shield and rear guard- when all the Judas’ of the world attempt to betray, we can take a great lesson from Jesus. If we do not know Jesus, nor love Him…how will we ever fight evil in this world. Judas did team with evil, and betrayed Jesus. Even after Jesus washed his feet, and shared his last dinner…Jesus knew and chose to focus on fulfilling God’s Will.


Dear friends, please reflect and I will, too- how much do we love Jesus? Are we following His commands? It’s not all one verse or the other- it is all God’s Word…Culture likes to pick one and dismiss others. God will never agree to this method. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever more. His Word never changes- not matter how many dismiss and justify.


When The Holy Spirit has tired of nudging us into all Truth…Romans shares how God will give them over to a depraved mind. The world is not fun, just a myth. It’s evil driven and choices made thereof…lead to eternal life in hell. Why choose this path? Jesus has eternal life for us- and all who will ask Jesus into their hearts, believe Jesus died on the cross and rose three days later, and confess He is Lord will be saved. Our spiritual journeys begin at this point…so much to learn, study, grow, and mature. Let’s move forward, it’s worth every effort. God is giver of the best gifts…we just have to be willing to receive.

Be encouraged!


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