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Repentance? With it being Motivating Monday?!

Repentance moves us forward in our Christian life.


Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.” (Acts 2:38,40 NIV)

Good Morning! It is Motivating Monday!

Get your jogging shoes on

Do you have your jogging shoes on and ready to go? The beating in my heart right now has me thinking this post is taking us on a 5K trail! We will never be finished with the word, repentance. If I carried a black book of key spiritual guidance words, repentance would be at the top. We are human, made of flesh. We sin.


As we grow in our relationship with Jesus, we begin reacting differently to sin. The Holy Spirit is our source discerning between good and evil. This is powerful! The Holy Spirit! We pray in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He is part of the Trinity and He is living within me and you?! This is huge! A clear picture how much God wants to save us from a corrupt generation.

  • He created the heavens and the earth.
  • He sent his one and only son, Jesus, to die on the cross for each one of us.
  • He sent the Holy Spirit, once we accept Him, to live within us.

Repentance defined

We can be part of God’s plan with repentance. Repentance means to feel sorry for and turn away from sin. Repentance was not meant for one time during our salvation experience. The Holy Spirit is going to nudge us every time we divert from God’s plan. The quicker we learn to listen to the Holy Spirit, the quicker we move with ease.   We all watch individuals come close and then go back to the start. Here they will choose to quit or start over. The wages of sin is death. The door to death is always attempting to distract.

Learning a heart of repentance

Learning to have a heart of repentance will keep us moving forward.  The further ahead we move, the less strength sin has in our life. We move ahead by reading our Bibles, attending a great Bible study, going to a Word focused church, surrounding ourselves with God-given friendships. If people around us do not celebrate what God is doing in our life, then time to find like minded friends. Be encouraged! This is a great way to start our week!

Dear Jesus, I pray for each reader.  During this run today, we may be out of breath experiencing some sort of pain.  We may be an unbeliever, a new christian or one for many years, we are made of flesh.  We have constant distractions attempting to make us stumble. If our eyes go there, we will stumble and will need repentance. With our eyes on you, Jesus, we will never fail. I pray each reader will practice today keeping our eyes on you. Help them to ignore situations trying to steal their joy, by keeping all eyes on you!  If someone is coming to you for the first time, give them the courage to go to our salvation page.  In your precious name, Jesus, we pray, Amen!

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