Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5,6)
Today’s reflection
Chocolate overload? Today is about reflection. What did yesterday hold for you? Flowers? Candy? Love? Remorse? Sadness? Many beautiful photos shared on fb celebrating the day. My mind turned quickly to not only one post yet I have read more than one individual claiming 2013 as a terrible year so far.
Remaining steadfast
During our spiritual journey, we will have mountain top experiences to times in the valley. We remain steadfast through these times by developing a closer relationship with Jesus. We can be a christian for a long time having a limited understanding of all we can access as a child of Christ. Tonight while having dinner, one of my children began discussing we were kin to Moses. He was talking about Moses Hurley identified in our family ancestry. I added, we are kin to Abraham! They looked at me. We are his offspring! Please never dismiss reading the old testament. There is a wealth of knowledge coming from the OT. As we read our Bible, we begin to gain knowledge. As we gain knowledge, we get to know God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit better. Jesus is not here to be your acquaintance, He wants to be your friend. We become friends by following His commands.What are His commands? They are nothing more than a Father’s wisdom giving his children direction.
Trust God
In order to sustain ourselves during the valley times, we release ourselves from trying to make sense of the situation. We begin to trust God and His word. In all our ways, in everything we do, we are to acknowledge Jesus. If we are willing to do what His word says to do, then God will make our paths straight? Yes! He is faithful and just. I have full confidence God will do what He says He is going to do. A straight path is an easier route to take than detours. Whatever you are going through today, give this to Jesus. A bad start to 2013 can be turned around right now. Through Christ, All things are possible. More and more people are believing for miracles. We are going to see modern day miracles, signs and wonders be revealed! The enemy would like to see us all defeated. Jesus is here saying, “I have overcome the world,”… so can you!
Be encouraged! When we need a miracle, all we need is Jesus!
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