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God- In Three Persons, Blessed Trinity

God- In Three Persons, Blessed TrinityI have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and loved them even as you have loved me. (John 17:22,23 NIV)


Motivating Monday! Where, O death, is your sting? One thing we all agree- we have an appointed time to die. Confusion stirs among society how lives should be lived before this time. Contrast from one willing to die for Christ to one denying God, baffles me. The difference: one stands firm in faith and the other becomes deceived. Living in my fourth decade, we’ve literally watched deception creep in and now make bold attempts to take over.


God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit are three in one, blessed trinity. Just as Jesus is one with God, we are to bring unity to the body of believers. Why? It is unity that allows the world to know Jesus and how much He loves each individual. God created the heavens and earth. God created everything. His all knowing power, knew our enemy lurked to taunt flesh’s weakness. Through God’s ultimate sacrifice, Jesus died on the cross for you and me.


Jesus fulfilled God’s will on earth, and now intercedes for us in Heaven. Scripture states, He sits at the right hand of the Father interceding on our behalf. Request prayed passes through Jesus. Remember answers to prayers are: yes, no, not yet. With true surrender, we trust God’s answer. Then look back, and shout praises for all no answers.

Holy Spirit

Truth spoken in love, sets people free. Whatever attempts satan makes to deceive, God’s Word sets free. In order to activate this principle, we study God’s Word, The Bible, to know. The Holy Spirit helps our understanding and leads into the whole truth. Here is the problem- a majority in our country does not want truth. Satan has worked to destroy unity among believers by luring many into accepting sin as permissible. God’s Word never changes. Sin 30 years ago, is still sin today. God’s promises 30 years ago, are still promises today.


Let’s be motivated to pray protection around our brothers and sisters in Christ. Those who have left the church, to come back. To have healthy churches arise with complete unity to let the world know Jesus truly loves them. The blessed Trinity exemplifies perfect unity. Death has been swallowed up in victory for believers. What can we do to help bring unity?

Be encouraged!


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