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Jealousy Enrages/God’s Purpose Prevails

Jealousy Enrages/God's Purpose PrevailsSaul was very angry; this refrain galled him. “They have credited David with tens of thousands,” he thought, “but me with only thousands. What more can he get but the kingdom?” And from that time on Saul kept a jealous eye on David. (1 Samuel 18:8,9 NIV)


God answers- yes, no, or not now. This depends on our alignment to His perfect will. We reach a point being more thankful for no answers. Pushing through no, only leads to hardship on our part. Our finite minds have trouble with this. How can an unseen God know what is best, even perfect? Are you willing to trust a truthful answer? Trust there is only one- true God, who created the heavens and earth. In His planning of creation, plans were drawn for each life. Those willing to understand, minds will be opened.


God’s plans above our ability to imagine, caused Saul trouble. He failed to understand God’s plans for David. Instant jealousy set in, disturbing Saul. The next day, he became engulfed with an evil spirit. Saul became afraid of David as God’s anointing moved to David. Jealousy enlarged in Saul’s heart and mind as David continued to think of himself as poor and little known. In everything, David gained great success and became well-known. This only further enraged Saul.


Jealousy causes personal havoc disturbing peaceful flow. Saul’s lost temper- led to anger. He made up false allegations such as David was ceremonial unclean. He set course for David to be killed by the Philistines. When this failed, Saul took action. David fled for his safety. Sometimes we have to remove ourselves from individuals like Saul. As we move forward, Sauls of this world end up defeated.


If jealousy seems prominent in your heart and mind, please repent. This hurts no one except you. God’s plans will succeed. David may have fled for his life, he developed into a man after God’s own heart. David became King over Israel, purpose fulfilled. Someone is being encouraged right now. This is a powerful truth to grasp. When we seek God, His plans are revealed. What once looked unimaginable, now is obtainable with full surrender to Christ and King. Jesus is our source to carry out purpose. Keep eyes on Him, equipped with such callings. What God does for one, He will do for another. Forward Friday! Moving forward cleansing hearts of jealousy and trusting God’s purpose will be fulfilled. Together- let’s shout, Amen!

Be encouraged!

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