In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. And you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons: “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son.” (Hebrews 12:4-6 NIV)
Stepping up to bat, be ready to swing. Accepting Jesus as personal Savior, we become a child of the Most High King. This is no small matter to dismiss. Definition of Christian has blurred. Many claim to be Christian, yet fail to believe Scripture. Top leaders in our country seem to welcome Ebola, as lack of effort to keep contained, distracts from their crooked ways. Numbers keep increasing of state’s majority rule vote being overruled by a single judge.
Just like in competition, opponents learn how to respond. Current administration believes provoking fear is strong defense against Biblical Truth. Bible believing Christians, need to respond. No longer can we remain silent and allow sin to overtake our world. Brothers and sisters in Africa, have been growing in Christian maturity and numbers. Same is said for China. Interesting with Ebola’s breakout in Africa- a land coming to know Christ. America, a land of religious freedom- entire purpose for America, to become subject to God’s wrath due to sin.
Conforming to new lives in Christ, many struggle removing personal sin. Blur occurs when Christians fail removing sin from their life. Non-believers cannot see a difference in their world and God’s provision. As a child of the Most High, we become heirs of His Kingdom. Accepting Jesus as our personal Savior, begins training for life’s race. With God, our crown will last forever. God takes us as we are and transform us into likeness, an image of Him. Discipline comes when children rebel, so it will be with our Heavenly Father. There is a world at stake. He needs each one of us conditioned to run this race.
Motivating Monday! Are you ready? What mile-marker have you reached? If you’ve stopped, it is not too late to re-join this race. Those resting, awake from your slumber, deception lurks to keep you indifferent. Let’s all keep each other motivated to stay conditioned. To keep moving forward, growing closer to holiness, closer to Jesus.
Be encouraged!
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