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Sacred- Holy- Righteous Anger…Profound

Sacred- Holy- Righteous Anger...ProfoundThen the Jews demanded of him, “What miraculous sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?” Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” (John 2:18,19 NIV)


Profound. Stop in your tracks and shout glory! Jesus walked into the temple to find men selling cattle, sheep, and doves while others exchanged money. Making a whip, He drove all out of temple area. John 2:16 “Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father’s house into a market!” 

  1. Temple area turned into market place.
  2. Imagine droppings and smell from animals.
  3. Money exchange improper.
  4. Jesus makes whip out of cords.
  5. Removes animals and people.
  6. Tables overturned.
  7. Coins scattered.

Righteous Anger

Jesus was not happy. Walking in authority, His righteous anger cleared temple area, His Father’s house. Did he reflect worldly anger? No, His anger rose when something sacred was taken for common. We are sacred to Jesus, becoming a child of the Most High. Picture for a moment- individuals walking through His door- leaving the world behind and shouting, “I’m here!” New believers here in America and around the world, those rededicating your lives- we are all children of Jesus Christ. Any time we reflect the world- we’re mistaken for common.


Part of God’s family, we have much to question concerning our churches. How to bridge those who have left, those who attend church, yet refuse to honor God’s Authority- His Word, to those who have never matured beyond point of salvation. All these areas are heavy on my heart. It’s not livestock or bad aroma today, it’s actions taken and choices made against God’s Word. His Word, The Bible, is sacred. We are sacred, His churches are sacred.


Remember Moses had to take his sandals off, because he was standing on Holy ground. God’s presence permeated through a burning bush and surrounding area. Wherever God’s presence, it is Holy and sacred. Yet, our nation accepts sin as permissible giving a false sense of sacredness. Sin is an abomination against God, its wages will be death. Do we remain silent or stand strong protecting our Father’s houses? Funny, Jews thought Jesus was talking about the actual building. No, Jesus was talking about his own body as the temple. Praise God! Jesus did exactly what He said He would do. He died and rose three days later. He is faithful.

Be encouraged!

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