But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. (Hebrews 5:14 NIV)
Simple Plays
A team failing to execute simple plays, will never win a game. Not much different in life. This goes for every level on our journey. Every new maturity level, new skills are necessary. We never stop learning. How are simple plays being executed for you?
I like winning. Losing time after time weighs heavy on psyche. The most abled body becomes discouraged after so long. We never want to reach discouragement, then satan is given more opportunities to break us down. Two forces are constantly in motion. The world we live in and the Heavenly realm. Choices we make determine which force is at work in our life.
Evil is underlying, enters through various forms of counterfeits to trick minds. What most do not understand, when our minds are not producing good thoughts, evil works through bad thoughts. It’s like adding fuel to fire. Thoughts lead to actions, allowing satan to work evil through you. Individuals do not realize this is happening. The Bible warns to take captive every thought making it obedient to God’s Word. Exchanging bad thoughts for good, stops one avenue of evil.
All things of Christ- His Word and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, meant for our good. With any authority figure, a certain behavior is expected and measures are taken to see behaviors conform to desired expectations. This happens in school and every work environment. The Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, fulfills supremacy. Their authority is rule to follow once we become a Christian.
Execute good choices and watch little things we’re faithful in begin to expand. When God can trust us with little, He’ll trust us with more. This is not about material items. While He opened my understanding to discern deeper issues. Your mind may be opened to see other areas of service. Whatever has been tugging at your heart, is a key to open doors related to your gifts and talents. Jesus needs each of us to execute key plays as the body of Christ, uniting to build God’s Kingdom.
Good vs. Evil
Becoming aware of thoughts impacting decisions, will help us to evaluate our actions. Will they reflect good or evil? Trust me, I know how bad some people act, many wearing Christian labels. They just do not realize the source fueling their bad thoughts/bad actions. Begin to execute small steps for good, and before you know- we’ll be winning the game!
Be encouraged!
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