And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times. (Psalm 11:6 NIV)
Eye Contact
How many individuals cross paths every day and never make eye contact. I’ve caught myself many times here lately- walking with eyes down. Imagine lifting our eyes with blinders off- what we might have before our very eyes. Facades with hurting individuals searching- unbeknown to them- The Holy Spirit drawing them near us for a reason.
Reaching out a hand or kind word- looking outside of our self created box. How important for Christians to be rooted with Biblical knowledge- transforming into more Christ- like character. Jesus ate with sinners, showed disciples 5,000 could be fed with very little, healed lepers, and raised the dead. And…we are suppose to do greater things than He? When you have the bright idea- bigger than people around to comprehend- don’t lose your light.
It Matters
God’s Words are flawless. It’s like healthier food we digest, healthier our bodies become. Studying and meditating on God’s Words, strengthens our inner soul- permeating to our heart and mind. What we do with feelings in our hearts and thoughts in our minds, matters to designated paths. Therefore, if we desire to walk this walk- God will take every flaw we have, sending us through what feels like refining fire- to be purified.
Paths Cross
In order to handle greater callings, we will be transformed, to be the hands and feet of Jesus. When our paths cross, we’ll be ready to share God’s love. In due time, Jesus will be revealed and fulfillment found in a living Savior. Are we ready to open our eyes? Today begins a new adventure…very exciting! I cannot wait to see where my path leads. How about you?
Be encouraged!
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