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Sneer Goes Forth- Learn To Respond Like Jesus

Sneer Goes Forth- Learn To Respond Like JesusThe Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus. He said to them, “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men, but God knows your hearts. (Luke 16:14, 15 NIV)

Forward Friday!

Modern day pharisees exist. Sneering is one thing I find detestable. Individuals thinking so high of themselves to sneer other individuals. Jesus speaking truth- “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will be dishonest with much.” Jesus continued teaching the parable of the shrewd manager.


Why would the Pharisees sneer Jesus? Just like individuals today. I do know, living in freedom lets a sneer roll right off our backs. A sure sign of heart conditions. Resembling the world happens because we are yet under God’s covenant of salvation. Once we accept Jesus as our personal Savior, we live in this world, yet, no longer belong to the world. Therefore, prepare ourselves for changes. If no change…have we really committed our hearts to align with Christ’s teachings?


My first interactions with modern day pharisees, offended me. My self-righteousness snapped…Who did they think they were? Here they were suppose to be Christians. Thankful that memory is from long ago. Have I seen my last sneer? No. Jesus overcame and so shall we. Learning straight from Jesus, we continue with truth.


It’s truth spoken in love, that sets individuals free. Once free from worldly standards, making the choice to accept Jesus- we’ll see change cultivate growth. Just like the photo states…growth without change is impossible. Forward Friday! Moving forward with change- world’s attitudes stay the same or worsen as ours become better…more Christ- like. Then as we lift our eyes- we see through facades and reach hearts for Jesus. Sometimes a simple hello goes a long way…

Be encouraged!

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