Attitude: Life Lessons Learned, Overcome!
To be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. (Ephesians 4:23,24 NIV)
The hardest conflict for individuals surrendering all to Christ- needing to step away from toxic situations…is becoming different than their friends. So for awhile they’ll keep both ends of the candle burning. Eventually, the candles burns out. We cannot live for Christ and be diluted into the world. For Christians- we live in this world, we’re not part of this world. How does this reflect attitudes?
A sister in Christ made a comment often heard…”I just want to make it into Heaven.” My thoughts, I don’t want to just make it in, I want the mansion right next to Jesus. Attitudes make all the difference, I don’t like settling on earth, why settle for anything in heaven? Jesus would love any of us right next to Him, yet, He keeps account of choices we make, actions we take. Do they align with scripture or not? Are we pleasing Christ or self?
Lately, I’ve been blessed with mom group activities and social outings. I can be me- my identity in Christ and not apologize. Loving individuals through God’s eyes removes judgmental attitude. Fanning the flame of the gift of healing within me- I am much more needed in dire situations than be caught up making choices prohibiting my gifts. It’s a matter of life and death in more ways than one.
Maturing spiritually does not happen overnight. It has been 20+ years developing for me. Lot’s of time spent studying scripture. Allowing God’s truth to saturate my confused heart. In the beginning, I could not understand why doors closed for me socially. My attitude displeased God more than not. Now, I understand- God wanted my focus and did not want to lose me to society. God could be guarding your heart and mind- knowing the plans He has for every individual.
Every gift within has it’s place in God’s perfect plan. Attitudes determine our altitude. What are we doing to engulf these gifts into flames turning this world upside down? The devil is already defeated. We know God wins. Whose team do you want to be on? And…not just talking smack. Let’s move forward getting serious about our identity in Christ. Taking this identity serious, developing deeper understanding of gifts within. Seek the Lord, We will find. Love each of you!
Be encouraged!
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