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Radiance, Dreams, Trust, Possibilities

Radiance, Dreams, Trust, PossibilitiesAnd when he came out and told the Israelites what he had been commanded, they saw that his face was radiant. Then Moses would put the veil back over his face until he went in to speak with the Lord. (Exodus 34:34b-35 NIV)


Motivating Monday! To be motivated is better than being depleted. Sometimes we try our best shining with radiance…while others we’re left depleted. Not everyone is capable of being excited for others success, no matter how triumphant one has become. If this happens to you, contact me. I will celebrate with you and believe in continued success. This is something I’ve had to learn- not to let others deplete my joy.


The joy of the Lord is our strength. Moses came away with radiance from time spent with Jesus. Aaron and all the Israelites were afraid to come near him. People do not know how to react to those spending time with Jesus. We seek, grow in Word knowledge- start believing in God’s promises, learning discernment. We begin to see possibilities and dream.


I began thinking about process of reaching dreams:

  1. What is a dream without sitting goals?
  2. What are goals without work?
  3. What is work without determination?
  4. How can dreams be achieved without sitting higher course of action?

These are questions for everyone. Individuals achieving high level dreams understand. I want everyone to understand. For individuals willing to place effort into their relationship with Jesus, we do not stay the same. Inner core changes, goals change outward. We know it’s not by our strength, we learn to trust God’s direction activating His strength.


Trusting God in the unknown, takes believing and faith to a new level. In unknown territories, it’s complete reliance upon the Holy Spirit to guide and direct. The light God promised to our path and feet exists like holding a flashlight. It’s really quite exhilarating. There is no place better to be- than in the center of God’s Will.


Let’s be motivated to spend time with Jesus. Allow radiance from time spent to reflect God’s goodness and not hide. Take time to dream, set goals and work with determination to achieve. Be supportive and celebrate others’ successes. It is all good. If we have no reason to celebrate- check heart condition. Time spent with Jesus will open space to dream- to see possibilities never thought. Very Exciting!

Be encouraged!

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