To be made new in the attitude of your minds. And do not give the devil a foothold. (Ephesians 4:23, 27)
Motivating Monday! I love to start the week motivating. Beginning with a question…what changes are necessary to better situations. What is heaviest on your heart right now? Top thought kept from my psychology degree- minds over matter. Enhance this thought with Biblical Truth- we can do all things through Christ who strengthens me(us), all things are possible to those who believe. You now have my recipe for getting things done.
Tenacious has been one word to describe me. What word best describes you? If someone tells me something cannot be done, I’m at my best- they’ve told the wrong person. We limit ourselves by not opening our own minds to greater possibilities. It’s in this greater stretch where God’s plan unfolds. Circumstances may not be what we asked, yet trusting God in the stretch does land us in a safe place.
This may be my personality developed over the years. However, God’s word is for everyone. I just happen to dig deeper- seeking further. I want each and every individual to do the same. If my desire could be shared- I would in a heartbeat. There is a very special relationship with Jesus to be had, if desired. Too many stand afar- often criticizing ones that seek further.
Standing on the platform- courage is building. With attitudes of minds changing with God’s strength, we must overcome hesitancy. Bottom line…what is keeping any of us from moving forward- fear? As much as I do not want to admit- what else could it be? Fear is real. It is a demonic spirit pressing resistance- paralyzing productivity. We must not give the devil any footholds. If we have- demand the devil to flee, he must flee.
Let’s be motivated! By renewing our minds, new attitudes grip God’s Truth; we believe and will do all things- we’re called to do. I hope to report back on Wednesday…chapters written. Update me on your accomplishments. Together with God’s strength, trusting His Word, removing fear(read/study Psalm 23)- God’s Will prevails.
Be encouraged!
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