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Pruning: Technique for Greater Works Ahead

Pruning For Greater Works Ahead, TrustEvery branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. (John 15:2 ESV)


Springtime welcomes blooms and beautiful colors awakening from winter’s rest. I love a beautiful garden. Older homes with well established gardens takes me back to one bush I loved at my grandparents home, a blue snowball bush.


Gardens develop with hard work, nurturing growth. Appropriate times for pruning are necessary to increase growth. Much like our own lives. Take a personal inventory of self and surroundings- pruning in certain areas will help increase personal growth for greater works.


Weeds are pesky irritants, left unattended will strangle life out of healthy plants. It may be something perfectly fine to have, yet, boundaries have been overtaken. Against my warning, a grapevine was planted in one of our azalea beds. Neglecting to control this vine, several bushes were lost.


Flowers and bushes bring enjoyment, inspire thoughts and memories. Yet, if something dies- it dies. If we neglect our hearts, allowing unwanted growth- anything good is prevented from growing into all things beautiful. We never want hatred, bitterness, jealousy, envy, or gossip controlling our hearts. Never to feel lack of worth, where doubt stomps progress.


We are loved more than minds can imagine- don’t let anyone cause joy to be derailed. I missed everyone Friday and Monday. It was not my intent to miss blogging. An hour and half into our trip, I felt led to start blogging for Friday. It was then I realized my computer bag was left behind. As uptight as I could have been, I decided immediately, it was going to be ok. My dear sweet husband even asked if I wanted to turn around. Life is full of situations where we have to decide to guard our hearts.


When God is pruning good- trust Him. He knows best. Take a daily look pruning hearts from worldly weeds trying to overtake good God has been pruning for greater works. God really is developing beauty within, revealing Christ outward.

Be encouraged!

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