For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. (2 Timothy 4:3 NIV)
Motivating Monday! God you are magnificent. You are perfect in all your ways. As I drove through several states yesterday, I drove in awe of God’s creation. Tennessee is one of my favorite states. From crossing state line to point of crossing into North Carolina. It’s like a child seeing mountains for first time. The vastness of God’s beauty captured differently in every state. He never intended for evil to enter the world. He did give man and woman minds to choose to listen to His instruction. Unfortunately, if not grounded in God’s Word, we’re all easily influenced by evil.
The Bible teaches about false religions, false prophets, and false teachers for a reason, because there are really individuals counterfeiting Biblical Truth. More one adds to their own ideology, more they misguide others. Anyone told to murder innocent individuals has been misled. We are living in the day of societal confusion, right is wrong and wrong is right. Individuals leaving sound doctrine, ignoring conviction, finding like minded influences. The old saying goes…birds of feathers flock together.
Good vs. Evil
So what do we do? We guard our hearts and minds. Take captive every contrary thought, by gaining Biblical knowledge. When standing on solid foundation, it’s more difficult to be misled. Instead of constant conflict with temptation, we’re able to focus on greater works needing to be done. Choose to follow God’s commands. Seeking more of God, defining our purpose. Gained knowledge means greater insight to discern good vs. evil.
In a world corrupted by sin. God is still on the throne, Jesus is still interceding, and The Holy Spirit is still drawing individuals closer to Jesus. When one misled individual chose to enforce hate, we can choose to love like God says…speaking truth in love. The very reason why we need to study our Bible.
Be encouraged!
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