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Sheep/Goats: Parables simplifying Principles

Sheep/Goats: Parables simplifying PrinciplesAll nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. (Matthew 25:32,33 NIV)


What do sheep and goats have in common with today’s thoughts..simplicity. Jesus explained principles through parables. Parables are intentional to simplify principles taught. Jesus explained those on right will receive their inheritance prepared since creation of the world. He sees when we help those thirsty or hungry. When we welcome strangers and clothe those in need. As we visit the sick and those in prison. Jesus says…what we do for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. We all seem to have areas we’re drawn to help.


Ironically, those on the left are considered cursed. Their inheritance equals the devil and his angels. Does this sound mean? I’m not trying to- the thought of eternal damnation would be eye opening. Why would right and left be used in our society to explain conservative and liberal? The devil loves to mix and match. He rules the air we breathe, constantly twisting truth to confuse. Although he knows what he is doing, those deceived are led to think it’s all good. Someone may read the above verse and blow it off. This would be unwise. Thankfully, we have time to turn from confusion and seek God for clarity. Why be a goat, when we can be sheep?


I challenge all to read one book of the Bible this weekend. If you have never read any part of the bible, I highly encourage you to start with John. When I decided to start reading, I began with Genesis. I found myself loving to read the old testament. Seems like many childhood Bible stories were in Genesis. All ever needed to know is in the Bible. I’m looking into audio versions. I would love to listen while driving. It is so important to read and study for ourselves, study with a group, and worship together as a congregation. Great churches are out there, pray and ask God to direct. He is faithful.


Forward Friday! Pure blooded sheep, no sheep’s clothing. People may be fooled by outside appearance, God sees through to the heart, revealing any false identity. Let’s move forward asking God to reveal our heart’s motives and taking time to evaluate need to repent or ways to expand goodness already happening. God is good- all the time.

Be encouraged!


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