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Parent-Student…Family Dynamics Changing

Parent-Student...Family Dynamics ChangingGet wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; lover her, and she will watch over you. (Proverbs 4:5,6 NIV)


Motivating Monday! Oh, emotions spilling over with parents seeing their first borns to college. This will be our experience as week progresses. As I processed, it’s my own sadness seeing our family dynamics change. It’s definitely a different view from parents side of things. As the last born leaving home for college, I never considered my parents feelings. Double sadness looking back, with my mom enduring early stages of ALS.


All I want to do now is say…Thank You. Yet, too late for me as my parents have passed on. If you are a student reading this, hug your parents. Such a precious gift, we too often take for granted. We’re never too old to love on our parents. As my oldest steps into new direction this week, I’m reminded how faithful God has been.

Evil vs. Good

What evil sets out to accomplish, God will turn for our good. We become stronger and more confident who we are in Christ, sustaining satan’s attempt to prevent God’s purpose in our lives. It is evil vs. good, wisdom most needed to discern. As evil expands and God’s Truth sacrificed, more lives will be lost if unable to sustain such attacks. We must strengthen our spiritual armor. As parents/grandparents, we may be our child’s only advocate. If we do not believe in them- who will? As I ask for parents to be loved, parents love our children. Even if estranged, allow Christ to help heal relationships.


Maturity is an amazing gift. We grow in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. During the process, learn from many mistakes. As hind-sight is always 20/20, we have to remember, our children have lessons to learn through their own journey. May God give all wisdom to adjust to this new season.


My prayer for all students…Lord, if roommates are not ordained by You, please remove distractions and replace with God-honoring individuals. Those who will stay true to Your Word, applying to their lives- staying faithful to foundation set in Christ, same for our children.  May they be lights, shining bright- drawing others to You. Let them be the salt of the earth, never losing their saltiness. May each one find a God-honoring church standing faithful to God’s infallible Word. May wonderful mentors be waiting that You have orchestrated for each one’s divine purpose. Keep imposters away, dear Jesus. Keep all safe driving to and fro. Lord, may they all excel academically, seeking help if needed. May teachers even at the college level, realize they are the hand and feet of Jesus. Remove instructors from their paths that have intentions to defy who You are. Calm emotions, grant wisdom, and allow transitions to go smooth. Dear Jesus, we ask all this in your precious name. Amen.

Be encouraged!

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