All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16 ESV)
Do you remember the old song, He paid a debt he did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay…I needed someone to wash my sins away? Dear Jesus, we need people to understand sins need to be washed away, not accepted through love. Jesus defines love as speaking truth in love. During my self-righteous days/years, my finger pointed truth. Today, my heart pours out truth not wanting one person to perish being deceived.
What is truth? It’s all scripture breathed out by God based on truth for our benefit. Word knowledge is built as we study scripture. If scripture is not studied, there will be no reproof, no correction, and no training in righteousness. Therefore, we will not be complete, equipped for every good work. How can God trust us further, when not faithful with little? Faith only builds as a by-prouduct of building Word knowledge.
Driving through East Texas last month, taking our oldest to college we noticed churches having Wednesday night services. If you’ve driven through East Texas, you know we drive through town after town. In every town, churches were holding Wednesday night services. A majority of churches in America are down to one service per week. War is happening after every soul- one time in church vs. six days in the world are not great odds.
Commitment to the church is lost through re-structured programs. We want people committed to study scripture, growing mature, yet, souls are slipping away. Remember when the crowed chanted, “Give us Barabbas! Give us Barabbas! They did not want Jesus. They wanted Barabbas. I wonder how many chanting for Barabbas knew better. Same is happening today. Churches are filled with folks who are thrilled when pastors condone alcohol or say the Roman road and salvation prayer is not necessary. They don’t want to commit to building Word knowledge, focus is more on the world.
Friends, if we want direction, freedom, truth, destiny released or God’s purpose revealed- it all starts with studying scripture, building Word knowledge, and growing closer to Christ loosening the world’s grip. As we transform into a reflection of Christ, we’ll be complete, ready for every good work.
Be encouraged!
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