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Truth: Straight Path Through Societal Confusion

Truth: Straight Path Through Societal ConfusionWhen the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak and he will declare to you the things that are to come. (John 16: 13 ESV)


Forward Friday! Many are happy for cooler weather and excitement of Friday night football. I am really excited in midst of all societal confusion, we have a straight path to truth. When the Spirit of truth comes…dear friends, He came! There’s no hotline to call- sorry no 1-800-HSpirit. We call on the name, Jesus.


The Holy Spirit came from Heaven as Jesus rose on the third day. The Holy Spirit is part of The Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They are three in one. He identifies as counselor, helper, and Spirit of Truth. During salvation: we accept Jesus, believe He died on the cross, rising three days later, and confess with our mouth, Jesus is Lord. As we do this, the Holy Spirit is deposited into our hearts. Jesus told the disciples, it is to our advantage that He was going away. Jesus had to go in order for The Holy Spirit to come.


The world does not like The Holy Spirit. He convicts concerning sin, righteousness, and judgement. If Word knowledge is seeded within a person, struggles will always be between the person and The Spirit of Truth, struggling with sin. I had my own struggle last night- watch the Cardinal game or start today’s blog. Holy Spirit kept tugging me until I relented. Too bad all struggles aren’t this simple. Hard life is happening with all ages. Battles with societal confusion, weight, drugs, alcohol, sexual immorality, carless words, self value, anger, unforgiveness…the list goes on. Anything the devil can use against us, he will attempt in order to steal, kill, and destroy. He’ll only win if we let him.

Moving Forward

As we move forward, trust The Holy Spirit. He will lead and guide into all truth. He’ll even lead us on truth concerning elections in November. The enemy is hard at work, deceiving and easing many into slumber. There are two presidential candidates that will pull the votes- pray, seek Spirit of Truth and vote with conviction. Contrary to beliefs, we are not concreted into a certain political party. Be informed. The Holy Spirit will guide and direct, declaring things that are to come. We can all understand, becoming unified in damage control. I cannot say enough good about our helper, The Holy Spirit. If He’s not your helper, He can be!

Be encouraged!


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