Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5,6 ESV)
Motivating Monday! Who’s exercising today, kicking off new week dedicated to a heartier you? Exercise is an important aspect for both physical and mental tasks in our lives. We’re always looking for a quick fix to drop weight quickly. I know when my oldest was little, I wanted a quick fix to his speech therapy. However, this was not in God’s plans. We spent seven years- from three years old to 4th grade, with intense speech therapy. Just as God had reasons to refine his speech, verbal gifts developed in speech and singing…we continue to see God’s plans revealed.
Durning these years, we did learn to exercise patience. With my middle child, exercise comes in form of holding my mouth quiet. Sometimes, I am still tested. My mother bear tendency, although, I am rehabilitated, mostly comes out protecting this child. He is a natural athlete. I made myself a promise, he would never be under another dad coach. Well…we just finished a fall series with one- and it’s hard keeping quiet. Did this kill my child? No. Will it make him stronger? Yes. God is faithful and just. I need to trust God.
Exercise takes dedication, increasing strength in areas of focus. Disciplining self on mental task might be tougher than physical exercise. Many times we want matters in our own hands, avoiding trust issues with God. However, learning to exercise trust with all our heart, overcoming most deceptive part of our body, we become capable of understanding God’s POV. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways are not our ways. What ever we find challenging- trust God, acknowledging Him in all ways. He is faithful, paths will become straight. Most of the time…it’s not how we think- and timing is all His. Are we willing to trust?
Be encouraged!
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