May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 5:23 NIV)
Motivating Monday! What to become motivated on first…Christmas decorating, Christmas shopping, exercise, meal planning, laundry…maybe even having a smile? So much becomes layered in our lives, we may miss what’s underneath all…foundational truths.
Our Pastor gave an excellent sermon yesterday, a series of sermons on flawed leaders from Judges. The key point was how culture can infuse beliefs within- not necessarily aligned with Christ. I truly believe this is root cause to all societal confusion. Individuals over the last several decades have worked feverishly changing culture in America. With every move closer to their goals, more angered they become when culture as we have known rebounds back.
I ponder often the most outspoken atheist or leftist message have forgotten- not likely- worked hard to dismiss foundation in them- God’s Word. Any time we find ourselves in sin, a wrestle begins to stay true to God’s Word or become numb accepting life’s fate. Our culture allows belief that we can remain in sin and all is well with our soul. The push has been changing God’s definition of love from speaking truth in love to love by accepting one’s sin. If we love our neighbor as ourselves- how much do we love ourself? Are we okay going to hell? If not, refuse to love others to hell.
In the last two Sunday sermons I’ve heard:
- We must repent.
- Ignorance causes great damage.
Satan loves to provide a false sense of peace. While efforts are on dismissing God’s Word, part of one’s foundation, God’s Word never leaves. It may become buried under many layers…awaiting to work for our good. We may think we know good- we do not initially grasp God’s definition of good. His alignments will go beyond our furtherest imagination.
His plans for our lives are purposeful and meaningful. He is God of peace. In Christ, we can be sanctified through and through, having His peace permeate through every breath taken. A look into our whole spirit, soul, and body is forever important t0 be kept blameless. We’re all a work in progress. The Bible is the Bible. We choose to believe or reject. Christianity is a belief in Jesus Christ- He died and rose again three days later. We do have a guidebook to blameless living- it’s The Bible. Let’s be motivated to have a solid foundation by studying God’s Word, becoming knowledgable, keeping our eyes on Him.
Be encouraged!
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