If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever. (John 14:15,16 ESV)
Motivating Monday! Last week I needed motivation to believe I could successfully decorate for Christmas. This is the year for new ideas and refreshing greenery. I love to make Christmas special. It is Jesus’s birthday and may we never lose sight of why we celebrate. In addition, I love the impact Christmas lights have on my inner reflection. I’m mesmerized as thoughts mingle with twinkling flashing and shadowing around the room, saturating my heart with peace. Of course, peace…True, unadulterated peace came into this world to save you and me.
Through prayer, God reminded me, I had all the help I needed, The Holy Spirit. A true God-given gift in every believer…forever. A Helper is only one of His attributes. Now, to have a two-way conversation with The Holy Spirit, we activate faith, learning to listen same way we pray and hear from God. We tune out all distractions and tune in to hearing directions through surfacing thoughts answering our need. Needs big or small, life or death…He is our Helper through it all. Trust direction being given.
Now there are husbands who love to hang Christmas lights and decor, there are husbands who do not. I have the latter. Drawing from a blank canvas, I asked my Helper to help me create. I love asking to be as talented and gifted as Bazalel. He was filled with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship (Exodus 31:1-5) Would this not be amazing? God had lessons for me to learn. To trust Him with every unknown detail in creating. He reminded me, exactly how He intends to help me write novels. Blogging was a giant leap of faith, the necessary book missed crucial timing due to not trusting. Thankfully, God is a Redeemer.
The Process…
Thoughts came to use a piece of driftwood my friend and I recently found down by the Mississippi River. I shared an idea to wedge a piece between the two brick walls by our front door. My husband says, “You cannot wedge this, it will fall on someone’s head.” Ok! Four days later, driftwood was hung securely. With The Holy Spirit nudge, I plunged forward hanging garland and large pinecones. With continuous prayers for God’s protection, I stepped to top step on an old wooden ladder, leaning over with a nail and hammer- I could have never thought of this on my own or felt safe doing. With every detail, same process…trust. I am thankful for floral design ladies at our local Tree’s and Trends. They were wonderful to help with pinecones, bows, wreath and encouragement throughout entire process.
I share this experience to say- you can do this, too. Learning to trust God in small matters, He’ll trust us with larger matters. Seek help from the one who knows us best, The Holy Spirit. Whatever looks impossible- is possible through trusting Jesus. A gift from God helping us through every day, facing whatever need we have. God is faithful. The Holy Spirit is willing.
Be encouraged!
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