Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place…(Ephesians 6:14 NIV)
Staying Alert
Rain, rain go away, please come back another day. Spring is wondering who hijacked the seasons. In the last two weeks, we’ve had 20 degree weather, 82 degree weather, and 50/60 degree weather. We live close to the New Madrid Fault line. Several small earthquakes alerts our attention. One of my antique lamps is now on top of my piano…wondering if this is a good idea. From fires, floods, tornados, and earthquakes…let’s stay alert.
Vast Numbers
I’ve been thinking about all the different types of people in this world- in our Nation. With vast numbers on way people think, I want everyone to think like me. Isn’t this how most people act- if speaking honest. When it comes to knowledge of Jesus Christ and wisdom gained, seeking and finding Jesus…yes, I want every one to gain Spiritual Truth. Yet, as the wind blows uncertain…so do many Churches across this Nation.
We Stand
What do we do? We stand. Ensuring we have on the full suit of armor…we stand. Consider…what kind of effort or work has gone into forming foundation? Even if never thought about this, life’s choices have by default determined foundation on which we stand. Like never before, political choices make one’s foundation easy to see.
Moving Forward!
Forward Friday! We need the belt of truth buckled around our waist every waking moment. Having the breastplate of righteousness in place shields the fiery darts of the devil. Let’s move forward evaluating the foundation we stand on. Do we align with Biblical Truth and God’s principles or have these choices faded long ago? I believe every seed planted during whatever time a person has spent in Biblical Truth remains ready for growth- needing the proper environment to develop. With all effort in doing this, God will meet us with an out-stretched hand, anchor of our soul. Therefore, securely tightened, ready to handle any impact…we will be ready to stand.
Be encouraged!
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