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Consciences: Our Decision Making Guide

Consciences: Our Decision Making GuideNow the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared. (1 Timothy 4:1,2 ESV)


In today’s scripture, let’s zero in on where the problem begins…consciences. Consciences are defined as an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one’s behavior. Where do these feelings come from? External reasons sway our feelings or internal conflict. Solve this problem by taking control of feelings/emotions, making a firm decision to know facts. However, consciences used to make decisions- even if facts are known, can choose to dismiss truth to fulfill flesh desires. The end problem…when this conflicts with Biblical Truth.

Spiritual Warfare

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, therefore, speaking through Paul, letting Timothy know there are individuals who will depart from their faith. Do they realize they are devoting themselves to deceitful spirits? Not likely, if they have never gained spiritual warfare knowledge. I was a little struck myself when God began teaching me…I would never have guessed the need for such a time as this. America is in midst of societal confusion.


The devil’s goal is to take as many individuals to hell as possible to share in his destined misery. When kicked out of Heaven, 1/3 of the angels went with him- these are his demons. They are constantly seeking who has hit weak states in their faith, to completely devour. The confusion comes from Christians resembling more of the world than Jesus, even the agnostic and atheist notice. The church is in a quandary- many have become politically correct, concrete foundations wrecked by dismissing Biblical Truth. As this happens, deceptive spirits arrive uninvited.


The enemy has power to lure individuals into slumbering states. This is seen as indifference or tolerable. I don’t want to be either, I want to love like Christ at all times. My finger pointing stopped long ago, along with my self-righteous self. I love my friends who differ from me. I hope they know they can always ask me- we are to always be prepared to answer. I’m not their judge, yet…part 2 will be explained on Friday. Reality is…we are seeing friends depart from their faith. When the enemy is taunting them, others whose consciences have been seared, will fill their ears with everything deceptive, to engulf them into sin, selling their souls if not stopped. Dear friends, we have lots of work to do.

Be encouraged!


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