Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8 ESV)
The proof is in the pudding! Interesting why this expression popped in my mind as I sit down to write. This idiom is defined as the end result, marking success or failure in one’s effort. I haven’t heard this expression in many years, Yet, when I think about this- proof is certainly in the pudding for all effort working in Houston/Texas coastal flooding, as well as Oregon and Montana fires. On smaller efforts, a church our oldest has been attending in College Station, held an international day for the community. They had a massive furniture give away and unsure what all, yet, neighboring hurricane action, God stopped the rain and this church was able to serve over 250 international students/families. The Pastor shared a quote from one individual as furniture was being delivered to her, “I don’t know your God. Now, I know Him through you.” WOW! This is powerful!
Do I want to fit into the crowd or do I want to offer my life to have Jesus seen in me? What about you? The world offers a false sense of happiness. God defines true happiness as joy. The joy of the Lord is our strength. To keep strong, we avoid losing joy. Joy is not moved by our circumstances. Joy is trust in Jesus beyond any reasonable doubt. To have this level of trust- to the point of receiving miracles, we have to know Jesus as a friend, this means obeying His commands. To obey His commands, we have to know what they are- by studying God’s Word, the Bible.
Bibles are easily taken for granted. I sit here looking at three right by me with brothers and sisters around the world losing their lives having one. American friends, this is no joke. Treasure your Bibles, have courage to become honest about living your life for Christ. I’m thankful for every individual God’s brings into my path. It would be easy to walk away from my purpose and engage into life’s definition of fun. This would really leave me empty in the end. So it’s all about perspective- love all people in my path, keep living for Jesus. If I had to face death tonight- I’m confident I would be welcomed in by Jesus. Yet, I would have left lots undone here on earth.
Proof in the Pudding!
False news is released now more than ever. Deception is expanding daily. Christians and non-Christians alike- are being blinded to accept sin and find no need to repent. Some are not being blinded, they choose blindness and deafness, to keep from facing Biblical Truth. More sin we accept, more sin becomes a norm- only nothing changes in God’s Word. God’s Word is the same yesterday, today, and forever more. Friends, lots more to do.
Be encouraged!
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