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Trouble? Finding Shelter, A Very Present Help

Trouble? Finding Shelter, A Very Present HelpGod is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. (Psalm 46:1-3 ESV)

Be Still…

Verse 10: “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Friends, I’ve been thinking how I would want to respond to a friend who began her request by saying, “I’m not a religious person, yet I know you are.” Grateful to be trusted with her prayer request and believe God will watch over her, and answer her request. Here is one of the greatest opportunities to share reason why God is not only our Savior- He’s our shelter and refuge in time of trouble. His Word says, a very present help in trouble. Friends, why would we not want this most precious kind of help?


It’s a myth to think strong believers are void of trouble. The difference has to do with our shelter we run to, taking comfort in the person we have studied and grown in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. My friend sees negativity as her strong hold, helping her never to be disappointed. This makes me sad. I want to have a heart-felt talk why God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit are trusted friends. Too many times we live daily lives, blinded to hurting people around us.

Precious Souls

I have a friend who openly shared his same-sexed relationship one day and next day posted feeling emotional. This is one of the most talented  music ministers in the Baptist faith, choosing to ignore God’s Word. Sure he can find a church to have no qualms- yet, God’s will has been stumped. No wonder emotions were stirring. Who is willing to stand in God’s Truth and release the devil’s grip?

Who Are We?

Here are two different examples of someone who has no trust in God and someone who satan has finally gripped, not letting loose. Who are we in Christ? What to do- trouble will come? Mountains move and tremble, waters roar and foam- Do we fear or find shelter? Are we equipped with God’s Word to know difference when satan schemes, offering a juicy version of Truth like done to Eve? Let’s not think, his tactics have changed. Satan is constantly tormenting minds to cause doubt to make one stumble into his hands- to devour. We cannot let this happen. We serve an amazing Father, our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. He is exalted among the nations, and in the earth. When He says to be still, we can trust…He is God.

Be encouraged!


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