Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. If satan drives out satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? Matthew 12:25, 26 NIV)
Heart to Heart
The Pharisees are like established politicians. A top Republican can be blamed for starting the circus in Alabama. Like the Pharisees, established politicians become tainted by position and power, setting their own agenda above people they represent. While the Pharisees were elitist, they failed to recognize Jesus. Not only failing to recognize, turned popular opinion against Jesus. Sounds familiar….
The devil is not creative, only able to deceive by easy tactics…people have proved time and time effective. The mass majority population has little to no knowledge of the devil and his schemes against mankind, devouring those he grasps and holds in bondage. More people in bondage, more they form a new sense of normalcy in their environment, attempting to make it the norm for all. This is done by weakening Biblical Truth. People perish for lack of knowledge. Not knowing God’s Word, The Bible/Scripture…leaves individuals without a solid foundation. For most, a Biblical foundation is formed from childhood to adulthood. Yet, there is still time to create Biblical foundations if now accepting Jesus as Savior.
Every kingdom, city, and household divided against itself will not stand. Why are Christians split between right and left sides of political lines? Why is the Pope trying to change wording in scripture? Strong warnings against doing so…see there are solid guidelines instructing us- leading to holiness in Christ. When there is division, it’s a lose/lose. The devil gloats in victory. Never tire praying for our nation and every state. Modern day pharisees are alive and well. Disciples, unified understanding Biblical Truth can change the world. Are we ready? No time to lose…
Be encouraged!
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