“I will teach you about the power of God; the ways of the Almighty I will not conceal. You have all seen this yourselves. Why then this meaningless talk?” (Job 27:11, 12 NIV)
Forward Friday!
Let’s move forward! Why leave room for any meaningless talk? Last week my 14 year old says, “Mom, you have to read Job 20!” Almost stunned, I replied, “I sure will!” Wow! My youngest taking upon herself to read Job, this momma’s heart was proud as if she performed a hat trick in her last soccer game. However, I am thankful to be brought back to Job, a book with a wealth of knowledge.
Job a righteous man, chosen by God…“Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.” Satan’s reply is interesting…he already knew God would have a hedge of protection around Job. He bargained Job would curse God to His face, if all Job’s possessions were destroyed. God took the challenge and allowed satan to strike all Job had, yet, could not lay one finger on the man.
Meaningless Talk
Attack after attack, Job’s friends were no source of comfort. They commented, Job replied. In midst of Job’s heart wrenching ordeal, he confronts his friends…”I will teach you...” Yet, these guys had seen with their own eyes. When tragedy struck, they failed to remember. Job summarized their talk as meaningless. Ouch!
Identify Culprit
Satan aims to attack and destroy even the one found most righteous. In 2005, a light bulb went off after our two boys were in a severe 4-wheeler accident, understanding Job 1. Identifying satan as the culprit who wanted to destroy our family, was key in removing him from the scene, allowing God’s power to enter changing course of attack. Having experienced this first hand…any talk against God, Jesus, Holy Spirit I find meaningless. Just like our son’s baseball game last night, an older gentleman behind me spotted a sign in the outfield, read, “My God, My All.” He kept repeating this like he did not understand. I finally turned around, and mentioned…”It’s like, My God- your my everything.” Two ladies agreed, unsure if he did.
Doubly Blessed
Empty church seats across America, church buildings left empty…where are the people? Meaningless talk overtook, leading them astray. If Job listened to his friends, he’d be left in dire need. Thankfully, Job proved God right and became doubly blessed. For us to move forward, we cannot be misled by meaningless talk. If Truth taught from the pastor left you looking for a different church…you are being led astray to a church less likely to talk about sin, repentance, deception, judgment, hell and surprisingly…even greater gifts of the Holy Spirit. Understanding sin, moves us to repentance, desiring to learn truth- avoid being deceived…because we do not want to go to hell. Greater gifts, even more of God’s power is released; equipping us to serve our God given purpose. See why satan loves meaningless talk? Let’s not be misled.
Be encouraged!
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