Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. (Psalm 37: 1-3 NIV)
Forward Friday!
Do not fret because of evil men or envious of those who do wrong…a vital lesson for adults and teens. The word, popularity has been around and brought more harm to those who deem themselves popular and those who have been taunted by stigma of not being popular. More than not…popular groups are not representing good ethics and morals. Ethics and morals…almost two words buried under heavy decay. Not too many interested in touching on these issues.
Ethics are defined as moral principles that groom a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity. Morals are a person’s standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do. The Bible encompasses both areas, making available to us a life more abundant through holiness, more Christ-centered character, than by default choosing the world’s, influenced by increasing evil. Trust in the Lord, and do good. Why is this concept rejected so? As a parent, thankful for opportunities of private schools…still students battle w/popularity issues and choosing to do good. For my daughter’s class- several of us parents are joining prayers this will be a class where popularity is celebrated with success in academics, athletics, Choirs, Theatre… areas where value is in setting goals, reaching them, celebrating each person’s success. Not…the ones thinking it’s cute to vape, stereotyping, thinking they’ve reached some source of false celebration in teen alcohol use and possibly drugs. A prayer for all schools.
This is great to share with every pre-teen/teenager under your influence, even adults. I’ve been encouraging others…don’t be upset when your children are not invited to – ‘that party.’ Instead, count it a blessing. Our children are being targeted more today than ever. Even adults…have to deal with. It’s real- children who are allowed to have wrong attitudes/actions, grow into adults with wrong attitudes/actions- false sense of entitlements, false sense of thinking one-self better than another, treating people rude. In the end…eyes kept on Jesus, trusting in the Lord, we’ve been protected from tarnishing the good work God is doing in us- which, really turns other people away…not understanding. God knows all hearts involved.
Moving Forward!
Grass withers and plants do die away when not nourished with sunshine and water. Let’s move forward, knowing we are all destined for great things when trusting in the Lord, and doing good. Dwelling in the land, and enjoying safe pasture…this is where joy is steadfast and peace radiates from inner beauty.
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