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Diminishing Faith? A Good Question…

Diminishing Faith? A Good Question...But not all the Israelites accepted the good news. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our message?” Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. But I ask: Did they not hear? Of course they did…(Romans 10:16-18a NIV)

Forward Friday!

Blogging near Memphis, TN last night and when our son has been identified as the baseball team’s social director, guess which room is full of boys. We would not want it any other way, fun times with memories being made. This led me to the lobby. A gentleman willing to share a question on his heart, asked me, “Why has faith diminished?” Good question and discussion followed.


Faith comes from hearing the message and the message is heard through the word of Christ, which is The Bible. A comment from Mike Huckabee comes to mind as well…if we are 45 years old and older, we remember days when our nation was God conscious. Today, the world is focused on self. As written here before- self ideologies. When self takes control, flesh rules. What the flesh wants, the flesh gets, unless disciplined in mind, body, and soul. During our spiritual journeys, transformation takes place- transforming our minds, bodies, and souls into Christ likeness.


When churches have watered down God’s Word, justifying sin in the name of love…mature leadership has been voted out little by little until no maturity is left to oppose this so subtle take over. Not all churches…yet, many and when scripture states in 1 Peter 5:8 to be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Churches need to be alert as well. Because…many individuals never open their Bibles to read/study for themselves. If they are not hearing God’s infallible Word being taught, they are being misled and do not even know. Therefore, faith is diminishing.

Diminishing Faith

The harvest is plentiful, workers are few. As the kind gentlemen stated, we may be the only person helping an individual know Christ. And…we, representing God’s Children, are not out sharing Christ. Again…faith is diminishing. More we mature in Christ, brighter an inner glow shines forth. If no maturity, no shining light to help lead others to Christ.

Moving Forward!

As we move forward this weekend, join me in pondering the question about diminishing faith, and let’s self-check our inner glow. If brightness has dimmed, we need to spend time in God’s Word. Many have heard, declining offer to know Jesus more. One thing never changes, there will always be someone watching- to see if we who believe, are who we say we are. The Christian Banner becomes real, when a soul is at stake. Glowing bright or dimly lit?

Be encouraged!





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