Nevertheless, I(Jesus) tell you the truth; it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper(Holy Spirit) will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment. (John 16:7, 8 ESV)
Discussing humbleness and humility this week, describes our President 41. President Bush is well remembered this week. His character and service was impeccable. I pray God is raising more young men and women with knowledge and integrity to serve in same caliber of convictions.
God works in our lives in subtle and amazing ways, aligning step by step, filtrating brains with lessons and experiences all for God-given purposes. Our oldest is a member of Texas A&M’s Corps of Cadets. He was able to honor Former First Lady Barbara Bush and now President George H. W. Bush by lining George Bush Drive to the Presidential Library and final resting place. I can only imagine how this will impact many of these young men and women. Not only on this campus, yet, for all college students engaged in politics. I hope memory of 41 will never fade.
Convictions are basis for making personal choices. Yes, convictions from The Holy Spirit prod our hearts to turn from sin. In the same way, we’re led by The Holy Spirit- who is our helper, counselor, teacher, and Spirit of Truth, to move in direction of God’s will. If…we have surrendered our hearts, asking Jesus to be our personal Savior and Lord of our lives. A complete package is sufficing self-will for God’s will, accepting a learning curve to know Jesus and His ways by gaining wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Bible study is key; asking God to open our minds, helping us to understand.
If convictions of The Holy Spirit are ignored, opposite will happen, eventually given over to our sin. There is no justification in this from God’s perspective. It is not good as left thinking individuals will cheer you on, sin is sin. Once this happens, scripture says individuals will be given a depraved mind. Have you noticed when satan throws one dart after the next- this aliment, that disaster…these are warnings. And..God realizes this person has walked away from Truth- God’s Word- Jesus. We can go from hero to zero without Jesus. My desire for every reader, is to be a hero in God’s eyes, in the world’s eyes; living under God’s convictions develop character and integrity and having a heart for others.
Be encouraged!
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