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Trusted: Faithful w/Little, Charge of Many

Trusted: Faithful w/Little, Charge of ManyHis master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:21 NIV)

Greater Things

The Parable of the Talents…Entrusting one’s property to their servants. Jesus was taken back to Heaven, God sent The Holy Spirit to help as we are God’s servants expected to do greater things than Jesus, building God’s Kingdom. This is a tall order, yet, clearly stated in Scripture.


Never our own strength, always trusting and seeking Jesus for our next steps. I began thinking about this yesterday as cleaning day approached and my daughter helped me change sheets. My Dad and Mom both were very particular how exact sheets were to be when making a bed. This is how I am, too. However, if I do not pass this same expectation to my daughter, she’ll fail meeting end goal. The way sheets are done- does not effect our salvation. Except, how we do small things will determine when God is able to trust us with more.


Imagine the master’s happiness making servants desire to do more each time. Each one given to their own ability what can be trusted in order to gain more trust for future opportunities. When God’s thoughts and ways are so much more than ours…let’s be faithful in small tasks, desiring to be trusted with more. Productivity lessons when workers are not motivated due to negative environment.


God is light, He is life…no negative in Him. Therefore, draw closer to the light, moving away from darkness. With Jesus it is a matter of light making major difference in our personal lives, family life, Churches, communities, states, and nation onto the world. We often think how little we can make a difference, and this is a devil’s lie. God places gifts, talents, and purpose in each one, believing and prioritizing each day to begin with Jesus. Sharing in Jesus’ happiness is worth all experiences- faithful in little, trusted with much…leading to God’s supernatural peace.

Be encouraged!


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