May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14 NIV)
September 11, 2019…we remember. Today’s Scripture is simple…may the words we speak, and the meditation in our hearts be pleasing to Jesus Christ, our Lord- our Rock, and our Redeemer. So simple, yet, core problem when dealing with hate. Sadly, an entire nation taught to hate America. Where can we help? Let’s look into our own hearts and consider our own words. Change begins within one individual, connecting with others undergoing same transformations, reaching in faith those in need.
Faith is not discussed as much these days. For all attempts to misuse God’s grace when congregations are led to believe sin can continue and still be safe. Jesus dealt with this topic in John 8- questioning all those without sin to throw first stone, and no one could. And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.” Therefore, when we meet Jesus and deal with our sin, He will no longer condemn us. He does want us to move forward and not sin- go and sin no more. We need more discussion on faith- building our faith, and impact of greater faith. Hard to believe I heard a pastor denounce impact of greater faith- trust me, when reading almost every miracle in the NT, greater faith is mentioned.
In order to develop faith…Romans 10:17 So faith comes by hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ; we become intent on learning God’s Word. In early days of salvation, we felt the flush of sins out of our systems, excitement increased, then hard work begins….transformation process begins. A life long process, always stepping closer to Jesus Christ and fulfilling God’s Will in our lives. In order to do this…and it’s tough, sometimes our inner filters seem to fail, we have to change the words coming out of our mouths. Teens say everyone curses, people have the hardest time breaking negative thinking and negative words…it’s their immediate response, without ever consulting Jesus Christ and His Will.
The meditations of our hearts. Where do our thoughts wonder? Just like healthy bodies need good nourishment, we need Spiritual nourishment- pleasing to eyes, ears, taste, and souls. All determining how heart meditations will impact words spoken. Are we in the mindset to consider faith? Develop stronger Word knowledge, growing faith to new levels. We never know when a miracle will be needed.
Be encouraged!
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