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Narrow Roads, Focus Necessary- Eternal Life

Narrow Roads, Focus Necessary- Eternal Life“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matthew 7:13, 14 NIV)

Forward Friday!

Thankful for red letter words, David Crowder picked a great song to record. Today’s Scripture is straight from Jesus. From ships to small john boats, we want a tight run vessel. Any fraction of a leak, can lead to the vessel sinking. This my friend, is what I do not want to happen to my children or any of us. Our lives are much like a ship, and paths taken matters who is navigating and eternal life is determined.


Yesterday, I began reflecting how my parenting aligns with running a tight ship. Though some may call this rigid, I call this God’ honoring. Popular messages are to reach the lost, though limits maturing baby Christians. As many seem apologetic for God’s Word, or ways Pastors have preached years ago, to successful salvation programs mocked. The straight and narrow, while navigating God’s will for our lives, takes considerable focus. Any distraction or drama is like a leak. At all cost, we want to avoid holes.


When Jesus teaches- wide gate leads to destruction, many will enter vs. small gate, narrow road leads to life, few will find. Jesus will search our hearts and minds, nothing is hidden from Christ. He knows the Truth. Let’s take a moment and ask Jesus to search our hearts and minds. May He point out to us anything that hinders our success on narrow road, entering through the small gate. There is nothing wrong with God’s narrow road, His divine paths are unique to each personal calling. As many are entering the road leading to destruction, we need to pray and pray more for God’s will over our country, community, churches, and homes.


We need Jesus, and only through God’s knowledge, The Bible, we learn right from wrong, good vs. evil, and paths leading to life. As societal confusion worsens, God’s Word, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit- all remain unchanged. They are the same yesterday, today, and forever more. Who do we trust? A confused world and those who have chosen this wide path or Jesus and His narrow road, never changing?

Be encouraged!

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