But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. Be merciful to those who doubt, snatch others from the fire and save them, to others show mercy-mixed with fear- hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh. (Jude 20-22 NIV)
Motivating Monday!
This week, I’ll be reminding myself- Don’t pass over the Pass Over! A statement from Jentezen Franklin’s sermon yesterday. It’s easy to see how fast paced many of us were, being slowed down to make sure eyes are on Jesus. Palm Sunday, Holy Week…Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. Though many disappointments are happening for Seniors in college and high school, weddings, and even funerals are impacted, making alternate plans. We have much to honor and celebrate this week, honoring Jesus- who died and rose again. Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice; taking away the sins of the world.
While Jesus never changes- same yesterday, today, and forever more; culture does over time. We must build ourselves up in a most holy faith. Many miracles happened in Scripture, when Jesus noted a person’s greater faith. Yes, faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. I’ve always imagined if a very small fraction of faith can move mountains, greater faith can do even more. Greater faith does not come easy- we have to change the way we meditate, think, and speak. Are we meditating on God’s Word? Do we know Scripture- the promises and warnings; both very critical.
Be merciful to those who doubt…sadly, there are young pastors who believe doubting is good. Doubting is a step before being snatched and in need of being saved from the fire. We are to save individuals from the fire- eternal life in hell. It’s real…and so is Heaven! Mercy mixed with fear- the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom. God’s mercies are new every morning, as the gift of wisdom deepens within…helping us apply God’s Word- His knowledge, wisdom, and understanding to all life circumstances. Choosing Jesus and helping turn others from sin, they will want to leave corrupted garments behind, too. A win- win!
Be encouraged!
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