But now, O Lord, you are our Father, we are the clay, and you are our potter, we are all the work of your hand. (Isaiah 64:8 ESV)
Forward Friday!
Moving forward we must do, praying continuously for all in need: healing, safety, economy, Government leaders, medical teams, medical committees, school officials…all making decisions, concerned about their people. While many of us are home- we’ve taken a step back with focus more on family, less distractions. I find myself in a Martha’s world, when my heart desires Mary’s heart to sit down and anoint Jesus’ feet.
Kari Job has a powerful song, The More I Seek You, please take time to listen. The powerful words…the more I seek you, more I love you…wanting only to sit at Jesus’ feet. We must make time for this depth of worship not just during this season, yet, turning into a lifestyle- chosen to live.
God, The One and Only God, our Father is the potter and we’re the clay. During seasons as such, and times of prayer, worship, Bible study…God takes every shape we’ve twisted ourselves, and forms into His likeness. Then…there are times, we need re-shaping, too much of the world has crept in. This my friend, is a big problem in America. Churches have allowed God’s Word to be lowered, dismissing its Supremacy, inspired by our Sovereign God. And…all the benefits brought when studying and realizing…God is for us, not against us. In Christ, we become free from bondages of sin; we who are free are free, indeed! Jesus says…go and sin no more.
When embracing Jesus, our Savior, release all self-ideology, and allow God, our Father…potter to form within us who He has called us to be. It’s ok others around don’t acknowledge, or unwilling to accept the new- you. The Holy Spirt now lives within every believer, and we have the ability to pray for others. Learning the identity of The Holy Spirit is one of the first things we need to know. Who is 1/3 of The Trinity- exactly, who is this gift, Jesus died, and The Holy Spirit came? This would be great for each of us to study over the weekend, reacquainting ourselves with one of our greatest Helpers.
The Holy Spirit will help us through times when God is molding, shaping us into His image…defining sins, how to repent- learning about God’s forgiveness, desiring to read, gaining daily wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. We’re able to discern between good vs. evil, desiring truth above all. Let’s move forward this weekend, discerning Truth, recognizing lies, and allow God to be the potter; willing to become stronger in faith, and less chance of being misled or deceived.
Be encouraged!
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