For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. (Colossians 1:13, 14 NIV)
Forward Friday!
Wow! How amazing to move forward, with the thought of redemption- forgiveness of sins. For we have all fallen short of the glory of God, and as the saying goes…only quitters lose. Colossians 1 will be a wonderful chapter to read today. We learn about Epaphras, a dear fellow servant, a faithful minister in Christ. I love when Scripture identifies individuals, and a look into their lives.
Many powerful words today, a few long forgotten. Redemption, a deliverance from sin- through forgiveness of sins. When labeled as a Christian, and this is what we want, we have a standard set in God’s Word. We no longer live by the ever changing world, we are a new creation in Christ. Through Salvation, we’re ready to be rid of weights of the world, dragging us down- desiring a new start. Imagine walking out of darkness- into God’s glory and grace. Like a breath of fresh air!
God is so good! Today’s Scripture… brought into the kingdom of the Son he loves. God so loved the world, He gave His One and only Son…crucified for our sins, taking our transgressions, forgiveness- a real gift. Forgiving others, is gifting ourselves with peace.
Sin is still sin, no matter how removed from sermons or conversations. When refusing to turn away from sin, asking God for forgiveness…The Holy Spirit will still keep convicting, until rejected for so long- God turns over to a depraved mind. Sin = death, Forgiveness = Peace, Jesus = Life. Redemption is God’s way of removing all willing from sinful choices.
Moving Forward!
Rescued…Oh, how we’ve all needed to be rescued from various levels of darkness; even may not have realized satan’s attempt to grip. Why do lost people act like lost people? Because they are lost- in need of a Savior, Jesus Christ. When caught in sin, Redemption awaits! Moving forward- let’s pray for all in darkness to be brought into the Kingdom of the Son He loves, Jesus. Also, praying for all marching in DC this weekend, may God keep all prayer walkers safe. Praise God for each one and each one of you!
Be encouraged!
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