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Zacchaeus: Jesus Sets Example, Let’s Focus

Zacchaeus: Jesus Sets Example, Let's FocusThe angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. (Psalm 34:7 ESV)

Forward Friday!

Forward Friday! The sweetest fragrance is produced when considering our Lord, Jesus Christ and the powerful Trinity…encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. God’s presence does not only surround His devoted, genuine, honest, and sincere believers, whatever is troubling- He will deliver. This may not be problematic, as we seek Jesus, dive more into God’s Word, we hunger and thirst for righteousness. God may be delivering into new levels, releasing destiny, and promotion that only comes from God.


One stipulation here…do we fear Him? Not a fear like of terror or being afraid. It’s a conscious decision to desire to please God in reverence of His Sovereignty. His Word holds promises and boundaries to keep us safe within God’s protection. As believers, God desires us to be His hands and feet here on earth. To be God’s servant, we do not want to do anything to steer others away from Christ. Too many individuals blame hypocrisy on leaving or never entering church. Hypocrisy is defined as the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s behavior does not conform; pretense.


Remember when Jesus talked with Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector? This was not PC of Jesus’ day. The crowd could not believe Jesus was going to stay with such a sinner. If Jesus ignored his convictions, wanting to fit into the crowd, Zachhaeus would have missed the opportunity for Salvation. Salvation of lost souls almost seems forgotten, in midst of all societal confusion in this world and inside churches taking the PC route- which is not about Jesus. Jesus always stood for Truth, always prodding the Religious Pharisees.

God’s Workmanship

Fear of the Lord, means we care more about God’s approval than mans. We are obedient to God’s Word, and desire to activate God’s Will over our own. The moment we no longer fear, we become more immersed into this world as participant and not God’s workmanship…who He is working through to bring Salvation to lost souls. There are many like Zaccheaus who needs approached with kindness and God’s love; allowing God’s Spirit to permeate through us to feel God’s anointing being poured out to a soul in need.

Encamp and Deliver

Are you a Zaccheaus or know more than one? God has called us to be His example, offering kindness and the gift of Salvation. Thank you, God- sending your angels to encamp and deliver us into what You see best. God is so good, He does love us all. Blessed are all who take refuge in Jesus.

Be encouraged!

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