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Good Behavior in Christ; Be Prepared

Good Behavior in Christ; Be PreparedBut even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. (1 Peter 3:14-16 ESV)

Motivating Monday!

Good behavior in Christ…does meaning differ for every believer? If we all believe in the same God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, no difference. We believe in the Bible. I am a firm believer that any and every question this world asks, Jesus has inspired the Word in order to give the answer. Today’s Bible verses are power packed. Why have good behavior in Christ? One answer is to honor Christ the Lord, as holy. And be prepared always to defend Jesus, who offered his life for us, He offers hope.


Hope for a wonderful week. Hope as this world dips deeper into sin, a bottomless pit satan has prepared. We honor Jesus as holy, able to defend what we believe, offering hope to others. Though we all need hope, people in sin reject truth or people who have no idea what the Bible teaches, wearing the Christian label well. In addition, there’s a teaching from individuals who know the Word well, and want to fade from speaking Truth. What we do not want is self-righteousness, haughty and arrogant when interacting with others. God defines love as speaking Truth in love, turning brothers from stumbling, or helping brothers and sisters in Christ avoid being deceived.


Yes, The Bible has all answers and we need to avoid acting like we don’t know Jesus’ teachings on certain hard topics. We have to be prepared with reason why hope is empowering our outlook, always offered with gentleness and respect. Even though no matter how gentle, truth can be rejected. Once we’ve done all Jesus has asked in particular situations, we are released, unless God has more for us to do. The people we’re trying to help have free-will. They will either turn from sin, or fall deeper into the pit.

Good Behavior in Christ

We love family and friends, and want to help them not be deceived. It may be the person passed by in Wal-Mart or a grocery store; whoever The Holy Spirit nudges us to talk with…we must do so with gentleness and respect. This is a major lesson I’ve learned. My 20’s were spent very self-righteous, the transformation is astounding. There are people who revile those with good behavior in Christ…let’s go ahead and please God…His blessings are far greater than levels stooped to react. These are tough lessons in a fast moving society. Everyone who sows God’s Word into their hearts and minds will become transformed, prepared to defend our reasons for Christ. The world watches…they know good behavior in Christ from bad. Let’s be motivated!

Be encouraged!

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